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The Popcorn Fake Histories Continue!


Hold your breath folks – there is a direct connection between the Priory of Sion, Rennes-le-Château, The Da Vinci Code and the mysteries of Oak Island. The only thing not connected is J.R.R. Tolkien (yet!).

The Cremona Document (and related claims) by Zena Halpern has been debunked (1; 2; 3); the claim that Bérenger Saunière was a member of the Martinists was invented by André Douzet; the claim that Bérenger Saunière owned Masonic Regalia was an invented prank that was quickly debunked by the French; the La Formule Cipher has been faked; Professor Robert Eisenman's views about the Dead Sea Scrolls are not accepted by Mainstream Scholarship; Bérenger Saunière's visit to the church of St Sulpice in Paris in 1891 was debunked by those at St Sulpice themselves for the BBC 2 1996 documentary “The History of a Mystery”; Bézu was not a fortress of the Knights Templar.

There was, however (on a certain recent Podcast) the admission that REAL history was mixed with FAKE history. Unfortunately, the people failed to admit that it was fraught with distorted reasoning.

These myths are mainly continued-on by non-French speaking peoples. That's not to say that current French believers are free from modern myths – far from it – the French believers have merely replaced the old myths with new myths. But the point is that the current French believers have largely jettisoned what is mentioned here –and the French certainly don't take any notice of the Oak Island fantasies.

The fact is that there are Tour Operators needing people to visit Rennes-le-Château and obviously need to peddle these Popcorn Fake Mysteries. The alternative is the Tourist Operators would cease to exist. The same thing applies to the Commune of Rennes-le-Château – it too needs to wallow in the new myths in order to attract tourism – and it cannot if it relied on the known historical facts that extracted the myths.

There is absolutely no Tourist Attraction to Rennes-le-Château if it had NO MYTHS – nor would there be any interest in Christianity if the explanation for it was the return of the Homo Sapiens Species back to the SACRED ANDROGYNE that existed before the creation of the Material World. Everything so far on this website about this subject matter has merely been a rudimentary and superficial summary. (Don't shoot me! I'm only the Messenger!)

* Amazing how easily the explanation for Christianity can be proved when full details are given!

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