There is one undisputed FACT that everyone is in perfect agreement with. Namely that “The Holy Blood and The Holy Grail”, since its original publication in 1982, introduced heaps and heaps of distorted reasoning and plenty and plenty of untruths that people have accepted as factual and many of these “facts” have become accepted mainly by English-speaking people.
Admittedly, people have a right to believe in anything they choose and that includes Mary Magdalene having a baby by Jesus Christ, and that its descendants intermarried with the Royal Families of Europe (one can see that one of the co-authors of “Holy Blood”, Henry Lincoln, was a television scriptwriter-turned-author, and would have been easily talented enough to dream-up such a tall story, possibly inspired by the British Israel movement, who believe that the English Royal Family are descended from King David).
These are some of the current existing beliefs of 2025 that can only be traced back to 1982 and “The Holy Blood and the Holy Grail”:
1. It’s known from the DNA of Jesus Christ that he has millions of descendants in the world today. What was the DNA of Jesus Christ and how did they get that DNA? We need to know Jesus Christ’s DNA from the get-go and how it was discovered before taking such a claim seriously. The attitude of the believers is such that the primary source evidence exists and it is a common well-known fact! (Yes, we do watch “Bloodline Detectives”!)
2. The claim that Mary Magdalene was a prostitute. Mary Magdalene was also known as a Penitent. Because Mary Magdalene was a woman she therefore had periods. Periods were regarded as sinful in early Christianity because they represented Eve and her part in “The Fall” of Man. Mary Magdalene was highly regarded by both Christians and Gnostics because of her decision to live a life of sexual abstinence in order to follow Jesus Christ. This is the most basic of all Christian teachings! In the Eastern Orthodox Church Mary Magdalene is not called a prostitute, but rather the witness of the Resurrection. Both depictions represent the return to the “Divine Androgyne” and are therefore cognate with each other. This also explains her prominent role within Gnosticism that denied the physical substance of Christ. The modern French Gnosticism of the 18th century may have misinterpreted Jesus Christ as being of physical substance, it was this latter misinterpretation that led the authors of “Holy Blood” in their mistake of original Gnosticism. They were trying to make the historical facts FIT their theory rather than vice-versa.
3. The Templars and Mary Magdalene. The Templars were traditional Roman Catholics of their period of time. To repeat yet again – the first person to be formally tried for practicing ritual magic was Pope Boniface VIII, and he was tried posthumously. This happened in 1310-1311, in the aftermath of the pope's struggle with Philip the Fair of France, and it was the work of Philip the Fair's devoted servant, Guillaume de Nogaret, before he turned similar accusations against the Knights Templar. The dissolution of the Knights Templar by the King of France was a political and not a religious decision.
4. Gnostics did not believe in a material Jesus Christ. Even in the “Gospel of Philip” Mary Magdalene is depicted as “barren” and as “one of the angels”. Again, there would have been a reason why she was so venerated, and the answer lies in the obvious discarding of the pleasures of the flesh. To this day Roman Catholic Nuns are called “Brides of Christ” for them to qualify entering the Kingdom of Heaven.
5. Historical Records were destroyed and who knows what marvellous facts they could have contained. Factually realistic genealogies really began by the invention of Baptismal Records during the 15th century. More-or-less trustworthy genealogies were originally based upon the keeping of 15th century Baptismal Records.
The believers in “The Holy Blood and the Holy Grail” really need to put their act together. For example, how can they even prove that Mary Magdalene really existed, when the earliest references to her only date from a later part of Christianity (ditto John the Baptist, the Virgin Mary, amongst others). The funny thing is that the believers believe in a modern myth of a demythologised Jesus Christ that is itself based upon an obvious later developed Christian myth that no-one can prove existed during the First Century.
The authors’ knowledge of Christianity in “The Holy Blood and the Holy Grail” was more than casual and it stands out. They just cherry-picked the most controversial Christian authors of their era and put their trust in them without barely having any knowledge of the subject matter.
The uneducated that lack putting things to the critical test and reject scepticism are not only the gullible ones in society. On the contrary, a minority of highly educated people are of the same ilk. Isaac Newton will forever remain the best known such example. Glancing at various titles on the Amazon Books website anyone will be able to spot that lawyers, psychologists and other people of equal calibre in society fall into the same category, displaying a weakness for beliefs in woo-woo nonsense and hocus-pocus allegations (check out your shrink first, before worrying about yourself, folks!). Putting it simply, there is an overlap between the uneducated and the highest educated in society when it comes to BELIEVING IN RUBBISH.