Pierre Plantard & French Research

Paul Smith

29 September 2024

“It’s life Jim, but not as we know it”
Mr Spock

This translation of an article by Laurent “Octonovo” Buchholtzer about Pierre Plantard's ancestry is nothing new. The information was first discovered by another French researcher, Jean-Luc Chaumeil – long before Laurent “Octonovo” Buchholtzer had even heard of Pierre Plantard, The Priory of Sion, or Rennes-le-Château. I have the correspondence from the 1980s from Jean-Luc Chaumeil to prove it. Another point – it was Jean-Luc Chaumeil who first disclosed the information about Plantard's anti-Semitic, anti-Freemasonic, pro-Petainist wartime activities in the Chapter of his book “The Message of A Sacred Enigma” entitled “La Table d’Isis ou Le Secret de la Lumière” (Guy Tredaniel, 1994).

Jean-Luc Chaumeil had planned to write a book with the provisional title: “The Vestry-Clerk, the Son of a Valet-de-Chambre, and the King-Messiah” (his letter to me dated 25 November 1986). Unfortunately, advised by his solicitors because of French Law, it was not possible for Chaumeil to publish everything he wanted.

The fact that Pierre Plantard's “real ancestor was a 16th century peasant who grew walnuts” has been known about since the BBC2 documentary “The History of a Mystery” (Timewatch, Season 15 Episode 8, 1996). Plantard only became the “direct lineal descendant of King Dagobert II” during the early 1960s. During the Second World War he called himself “His Druidic Majesty” (Sa Majesté Druidique).

The downfall of Pierre Plantard in France was by his own doing – by giving his Priory of Sion a new pedigree, a new history, and a new Grand Masters List of the Priory of Sion. It was all just too much.

Finally, the incident concerning Judge Thierry Jean-Pierre relating to Plantard's claim that Roger-Patrice Pelat had been a Grand Master of the Priory of Sion, put the final nail into Plantard's coffin – he stopped all his activities generating new mythologies and retired to his house in Barcelona, never issuing any more “revelations” for the few gullible supporters he had left.

Apart from Gino Sandri, Marco Rigamonti and Christian Doumergue – it is mainly the non-French speaking world that keeps the Plantard myths and deceptions going.

Pierre Plantard died in 2000 but his “necrophiliac” adherents keep HIS Merovingian myths in circulation. It is only they who are responsible for this farrago of nonsense. Quoting J. M. Wallace-Hadrill from private correspondence: “I have read the Dossiers Secrets and they are rubbish from beginning to end”.

These supporters of Pierre Plantard reject his 1989-1991 activities because they find it all too disappointing and only keep in their hearts forevermore the 1967 Fairy Tale of “Les Dossiers Secrets” – that Plantard himself disowned when he described it as the work of Philippe Toscan du Plantier who had been arrested for taking LSD.

Rennes-le-Château Timeline
