From File Ga P7 in the Paris Prefecture of Police

Police Report on 'Vaincre' dated 3 January 1943

French Original

3 January 1943

Re: the magazine ‘Vaincre’ and its managing editor Monsieur Pierre Plantard

The magazine known as ‘Vaincre’ will be the property of Monsieur Pierre Plantard, who will be the managing director.

This publication, whose registered office will be situated at Monsieur Plantard's home address of 10 rue Lebouteux, will appear monthly.

The first issue of ‘Vaincre’ appeared 21 September last, as 4 small-format pages and was free. It stated that it ‘sought to restore to the Fatherland the strength to live through an ideal based on chivalry and self-denial.’ It also supports a national programme of mutual aid as well as understanding between the various peoples of the world united in a genuine socialism, banishing for ever the disputes created by capitalist interests. On the last page it publishes the statutes of an association called the ‘Alpha Galates’, a grand order of chivalry.

According to our most recent information this association – which seems to be the handiwork of a deranged individual – as yet still numbers only the four people who make up its administration.

‘Vaincre’ will have a circulation of approximately 1,500 and will be printed by Poirier Murat, 45 rue du Rocher. It will appear under the signature of Monsieur Plantard Pierre, its managing director.




M. PLANTARD Pierre, Athanase, Marie, also known as ‘Pierre de France’ and ‘Varran de Verestra’, was born on 18 March 1920 in Paris (7e) of the late Pierre and RAULO Amélie. Plantard is a Roman Catholic and a bachelor.

For the past year he has lived at 10 rue Lebouteux with his widowed mother. Before that he lived at 22 Place Malesherbes.

He is the only son of a family of very modest means: his father worked as a butler. Plantard calls himself a journalist; in fact he has lived until now entirely at the expense of his mother, who is entitled to a pension granted to her following the accidental death of her husband.

Madame Plantard also earns a little extra by working as, for example, a cook for wealthy families.

Anti-Semitic and anti-Masonic, M. Plantard has said that his aim is the purification and renewal of France.

In 1938 he asked Monsieur Daladier, the President of the Council [head of government during the 3rd and 4th Republics] to allow the publication of a magazine entitled ‘Rénovation Française’. Permission being refused, Plantard published this magazine in the form of weekly pamphlets with a circulation of 10,000 distributed free of charge. This ceased publication in 1939.

Monsieur Plantard ran an organisation concerned with providing recreational opportunities for young people from various parishes known as the ‘Groupement Catholique de la Jeunesse’ and took the floor at several conferences organised for the benefit of the young people in this organisation, which has never amounted to much except in the imagination of its founder, who also boasts of having connections with numerous well-known politicians (which is not the case).

On 16 December 1940 he wrote to Marshal Pétain to denounce an alleged Jewish/Gaullist conspiracy which, as an enquiry undertaken at the time revealed, did not actually exist outside his imagination.

To sum up, Monsieur Plantard is a pretentious young man, without very much in the way of education, who is seeking to take advantage of the current trend towards doing more for young people by setting up more or less fictitious organisations and thus seeking to acquire sufficient importance to win the approval and support of the Government.

His name does not appear on the census lists of Jews of the Département of the Seine.

He does not have a criminal record.

File Ga P7 - Police Reports about Pierre Plantard