Plato, Dante and No Fool: Another example of weakness

Denis Dorléac
8 February 2024

From the text found here, by vh0610 (circa 2021)

“While reading about Tarot cards and the link to Plantard I have become immersed in Renaissance Thought.”

The writer of the article obviously means pseudo-Renaissance thought and it is the writer's intention to legitimise Plantard's madness. The writer is obviously another example trying to find some sort of honest basis for Plantard's jokes presented as “real common sense.” Examples of Plantard's inherent madness has been given many times in many sources throughout the decades. There is no need to repeat it here except to say that Judge Thierry Jean-Pierre called Pierre Plantard “mad”.

Also Claude Charlot, Chief of Archives Services and Museum, Prefecture of Police, Paris, dated 13 February 2004.

Pierre Plantard's madness has now become firmly entrenched within the context of Pseudo-Historical Thought and it has also become the main publicity stunt of the village of Rennes-le-Château as a tourist attraction. I was informed that during the Opening Ceremony of the Saunière Museum in May 1983 that Pierre Plantard attended – and had attached himself firmly like super-glue to the then curator-in-charge, Antoine Captier (the Saunière Museum was previously run by Antoine Captier and Claire Corbu, having to retire due to old-age – and they dismissed Pierre Plantard as having anything to do with the village).

The reference in the article to Florence Nightingale is interesting.

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