The Essay by Paul Saussez
Paul Smith
14 January 2025
Further to this.
A load of jibberish and a source of laughter from a Harlequin who makes unintentional jokes without realizing it.
The large parchment does not have a decryption because it is the product of Philippe de Chérisey LIKE HE ALWAYS CLAIMED. Also the so-called “decryption” is dependant upon Priory of Sion fakes – like the second tombstone with ET IN ARCADIA EGO on it and the essential P.S. PRAECUM. One last thing, can anyone produce a substitution of letters in any code as produced in Philippe de Chérisey’s version (obviously an arbitrary fantasy but I am asking anyway) – and any code where it has to be broken in half – by reading from left to right half-way and then reverse reading – before finally producing the decoded message. The decoded message itself is a load of meaningless nonsense.
In my own mind, the Small Parchment has a SIMPLE CODE (referring to Plantard’s fantasy about the survival of Dagobert II) and the Large Parchment PRETENDS TO HAVE A COMPLICATED CODE (totally meaningless). Two opposites.
The Rennes-le-Château “Researcher” is a non-sequitur who is permanently ignored by DRAC.
Antoine Captier & Claire Corbu during the 1990s always ignored the parchments by Philippe de Chérisey and instead promoted their own parchment found in the Church Baluster. What’s going on here? Revised beliefs.
If the church in Rennes-le-Château ever becomes excavated I will be waiting with my “Told you so!” (to let people on a little secret, the church cannot be excavated without it falling down).
It seems that some people are immune to common sense as well being immune to criticism. 1982 continues to be The Holy Year.