Rennes-le-Château and the Garden of Gethsemane
Struggle Between Church & State

Paul Smith

1 August 2023

It has been marvelled that Abbé Bérenger Saunière modelled his church garden on the Garden of Gethsemane.

That also should apply to other Roman Catholic Churches – including here.

Nothing to do with Merovingians, Bloodlines, Treasures, Mysteries or Secrets.

Just look to basic Roman Catholicism – that's what Abbé Bérenger Saunière was all about.

And if Rennes-le-Château ever started peddling historical facts and that Abbé Bérenger Saunière gernerated his wealth from selling masses it would instantly kill off tourism. The fantasies are the oxygen of Tourism.

What else explains the silence about Saunière's trafficking in masses and Sauniere's 1910-1911 Trial.....

[BTW, it would be interesting to see where else the Garden of Gethsemane is referred to outside the New Testament]

Rennes-le-Château Timeline