Gazette de Rennes-le-Château
Paul Smith
24 March 2025
For decades Johan Netchacovitch began spamming us with his website. His speciality is promoting as much nonsense about Rennes-le-Château – however stupid or simple-minded the theories may be. The Gazette website was started in 2003. That's 22 years of spamming the internet about the bogus “mystery” of Rennes-le-Château.
Johan Netchacovitch must have had a job, a career and earning a living that meant he had to behave logically in order to keep everything in order and together in his life. But like so many romantics he liked to travel the world of imagination and fantasy and to call it “reality”.
Oh yes, Johan Netchacovitch is a True Believer – because to him Rennes-le-Château is an Enigma. But he cannot prove anything because all the arguments and theories are only boring nonsense rejected by sensible people – and by DRAC.
Furthermore, Johan Netchacovitch DOES NOT WANT to “prove” anything because the more theories there are, the bigger and better the fun that the adventure becomes.
Quoting Véronique Campion-Vincent:
“Cabled TV, such as History Channel or Discovery Channel, started, already in 2006, to create on a large scale pseudo-documentaries, “mockumentaries” being a more exact designation, with enticing titles and scary pictures (Page 10) ....[Rennes-le-Château sceptical] books do not affect the collective dreamers. Any critical contribution is immediately rejected because every demystifying statement closes at least one of the possible extensions of the game, thus threatening its very purpose which is to continue indefinitely” (Fondation Maison des Sciences de l'Homme, April 2018).
The only logical reasoning that Johan Netchacovitch takes seriously is the logical reasoning that WE ALL TAKE SERIOUSLY in mundane everyday life.
Just exactly how many authors about Rennes-le-Château have really been swindlers and liars out to make some money? Certainly not in France. The only authors to succeed in doing so were the authors of ‘The Holy Blood and the Holy Grail’ and ‘The Da Vinci Code’. But the prevalence of French books about the matter is hilarious, bearing in mind how similar all the books are to each other!
The Gazette de Rennes-le-Château website will forever act like a viral disease infecting simple-minded people and providing misinformation about simple-minded theories about the Adventures of Rennes-le-Château (from all educated backgrounds).
Gnomes, Elves, Fairies and Hobgoblins. Not all of us WANT TO believe in Enigmas.