Fred Gettings was anonymous specialist consultant to the 1979 BBC2 Chronicle documentary “The Shadow of The Templars”.
Henry Lincoln, Michael Baigent and Richard Leigh wanted to end “The Shadow of The Templars” by introducing their Jesus Bloodline Theory, but this was rejected by producer Roy Davies.
Instead, Roy Davies asked Fred Gettings to provide a different ending involving the “As Above, So Below” element in relation to the pentagram, and how its shape represented the motion of the planet Venus and how it was linked to Mary Magdalene. None of this research came from Henry Lincoln, Michael Baigent or Richard Leigh and it was all new to them.
Fred Gettings was an early member of “Association Terre de Rhedae”
Source: personal correspondence from Fred Gettings, Roy Davies

Fred Gettings with his wife, 1978