Rennes-le-Château Researchers & Hoaxsters
Rest In Peace
Marius Fatin, 12 November 1894 - 1967

Marius Fatin purchased the castle in Rennes-le-Château after World War Two

In 1948, Roger Crouquet described Marius Fatin as “formerly the director of the Muslim College in Tripoli and President of the League of Human Rights in Beirut and who was, during the last war, one of the closest associates of General de Gaulle. Monsieur Fatin, disgusted with both politics and people, then retired to this abandoned castle, where he spends many hours in meditation. He lives like an ordinary countryman, but a very learned countryman, and one whom one is happy to meet, for if his hands are calloused and rough his eyes shine with an extraordinary brilliance and his conversation is informed by a mind that is at one and the same time both clear and precise. Monsieur Fatin showed us round his ‘fief’ and gave us an excellent lesson in both history and humility.”

Marius Fatin and his son Henri maintained that locations on the Rennes-le-Château landscape corresponded to certain constellations, as outlined in their joint private monograph “La France Sous L’Oeil des Dieux”

His son, Henri, a sculptor and artist, died in October 2016

Photo Credit: ©Paul Smith, 1993

Newspaper articles

R. Chirent, “Rennes-le-Chateau Abrite un Homme Fossile” (La Dépêche du Midi, 16 March 1966)
Alain Le Blanc, “Le Chateau de Rennes Condamné a disparaitre: Historiquement le plus important de France” (La Dépêche du Midi, 30 May, 1967)
“Trois Têtes Majestueuses: L’Auteur n’a jamais appris a sculpter” (La Dépêche du Midi, 4 June 1966)
“L’étrange Voltaire de Monsieur Fatin” (La Dépêche du Midi, 17 June 1966)

Rennes-le-Château Researchers & Hoaxsters