“The Royal Monarchy” of King Baldwin I & Saladin

Paul Smith

27 May 2023

The peddlers of “The Holy Blood and the Holy Grail” view the origin of the Knights Templar in Baldwin, King of Jerusalem, the Rock of Sion and in the formation of a Divine Monarchy of Jerusalem, that are based upon the fanciful Jewish “histories” of the Old Testament accounts of David and Solomon.

However, even if the fantasy is “correct” – historical fact changed all of this when Saladin conquered Jerusalem and took it from Western Rule.

The complete history of the subject matter should be given and not solely rely upon half-baked truths to satisfy Priory of Sion fantasies – fantasies that have been extinct in France since before the New Millennium.

Henry Lincoln, Michael Baigent & Richard Leigh dropped their Rennes-le-Chŕteau agenda after Plantard revised his “Pedigree” during the late 1980s (for example, Otto Von Habsburg became the privileged direct lineal descendant of Dagobert II). Plantard’s run-in with Judge Thierry Jean-Pierre in 1993 was kept quiet and was not featured in any of the updates to “The Holy Blood and the Holy Grail” editions 1996 & 2006.

Henry Lincoln turned to Sacred Landscape Geometry (having got the idea from attending David Wood’s private lectures at his residence) and Michael Baigent & Richard Leigh turned to other subject matters.

The fantasies of “The Holy Blood and the Holy Grail” only revived during the Internet Era – and mainly outside of France – to a new audience (both gullible and sceptical) who were largely “newbies” to the subject matter.
