Why The Bible Began?

26 May 2024

Concerning this particular podcast where Dr Jacob L. Wright discusses his opinions on The Bible.

Why was The Bible written? Because if we believe that the Jews were originally a nomadic and wandering tribe, then it made ordinary common sense that they began writing a chronology of their history after settling down within an area of land that had defined borders. Simple. There are no complex answers.

It also explains why the Jews chose to believe in a Monotheistic God – not having the time or resources to develop a Polytheistic Pantheon of Multiple Gods and Goddesses. Although there is evidence to suggest that Monotheism struggled with Polytheism in Ancient Israel – it was Monotheism that prevailed.

We found out a very long time ago that the early myths of The Bible were originally inspired by Sumerian and Babylonian texts, as indeed the Book of Ezekiel is drenched in Sumerian and Babylonian myth (not Flying Saucers!).

The book Ancient Near Eastern Texts According The Old Testament, edited by James B. Pritchard (1909-1997), Cornell University Press, first published in 1950; serves as a good introduction to this subject matter. It's funny to think – now a long time ago – when the Sumerian and Babylonian cuneiform texts were discovered and translated and were rightly judged to be the original Jewish inspiration of their Biblical texts, when they began creating The Bible – and how this was denied by the Christian Fundamentalists at the time. (The translations in this book, by the way, are not as coarse and as crude as the translations merit, and are “cleaned-up”.)

The professional archaeologists and historians have got very little idea about the nature of things like The Exodus – they have absolutely no idea about how and why that myth originated. There are many things in archaeology and history that our professional “experts” just either don't want to talk about – or refuse – to talk about.

“Let's be clear cut” says Dr Jacob L. Wright during his opinions on the YouTube podcast. I don't think so – if we really want Judaism and Christianity to continue to exist. There's an awful lot of diffuse rambling by Dr Jacob L. Wright in his online discourse. Dry history is important, but that is very boring. Much more interesting is the origin of Religion and how that came about – just how that inspired the texts and how this is the heartbeat of the SUBTEXT of The Bible.

The important thing about Dr Jacob L. Wright's online discussion is that he refuses to even think about something as STUPID as the “Jesus Christ Bloodline” – because everybody knows how the “Line of David” was terminated by Babylonian Rule and the Occupation of Ancient Israel in circa 586 BC and was never restored. That simple fact alone destroys the rubbish found in The Holy Blood and the Holy Grail. It also puts the dampeners on The New Testament Gospels as history.

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