Funny statements about Plantard and Rennes-le-Château


Some of us have come to the same conclusions about Pierre Plantard but in a rational and sober way – like Judge Thierry Jean-Pierre for example, who called Plantard “mad”. Sure, Plantard used the ideas of Paul Le Cour for example – “used” being the operative keyword.

Some of us have known the things written in Christian Doumergue's books a long time ago before he did – but we arrived at sober conclusions and unlike him, we did not make any mistakes.

Quote: “As for my thoughts on the Rennes affair, I consider Rennes-le-Château to be a place that functions as a shaman’s tent: an archetypal site where people come to have visions and to invite profound experiences”. What a load of twaddle! It is no such thing!

As for describing the book Le secret dévoilé – Enquête sur les mystères de Rennes-le-Château as “the breadth and depth of analysis...skills as a scholar and impressive reconstruction” – they could not be more wrong! There's nothing in that book that we did not already know for decades!

Was all this written as a poor attempt to woo The Believers into accepting some of the REAL history of Rennes-le-Château into the reality of trafficking in masses? If so, then it has WORKED. The Believers have started to blend together the madness WITH the sober historical facts.

For example, there have been works that originated on this website and have been stolen on a certain believer's website without any acknowledgements given – but it does not matter because their work is an utter shambles and full of distorted reasoning.

These quotes of support for Christian Doumergue have been in circulation for a number of years and the only thing they have succeeded in doing is inviting The Believers to blend the historical factual with the madness of the True Believers.

I rest my case. Because that has started happening already.

Rennes-le-Château Timeline