Coume Sourde “stone” and a Monogram

More Failed Candidates

Paul Smith

22 September 2016
Updated 26 September 2016

Researcher Chantal Ventenat has proposed a link between Bérenger Saunière, the Habsburgs, the tower at Halte Royale de Houyet in Belgium and a monogram resembling the Coume Sourde “stone”. It is of course far more exciting to engage in these conjectures because there is nothing interesting about Saunière’s wealth originating from trafficking in masses. That’s a real bummer of a letdown to the colourful story of Rennes-le-Château.

Well, it was only Gérard de Sède who introduced the Habsburgs into the subject matter of Rennes-le-Château in 1967 as part of the Plantard hoax (L’Or de Rennes, page 44).

The tower of Halte Royale in Belgium is similar to the Tour Magdala in Rennes-le-Château because both buildings are of the same architectural style. There is nothing unique or original about this architectural style.

The monogram that sort-of–resembles the Coume Sourde “stone” is not a close enough match, although it’s certainly possible that Philippe de Chérisey, who created the popular version of this pseudo-relic, modelled it on something similar to that.

Indeed, it has been plausibly suggested by Kris Darquis & Jacques Lefranc in their recent book that the popular version of the Coume Sourde “stone” could have been modelled upon the Roman Catholic symbol The Shield of Trinity. Philippe de Chérisey would simply have changed the Catholic words.

Below: Depiction of a Knight holding The Shield of Trinity preparing to battle the Seven Vices by the artist William Peraldus (1190-1271), from a 13th century manuscript (clickable)

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