The Philippe Méry Story
A Sad Story

23 March 2024

The story of a bizarre individual!

This is what happens when people do not abide by objective and critical historical research and lose themselves within the fragile context of their own wishful thinking.

Here is an abridgment of the “Story of Rennes-le-Château” written by Philippe Méry.

After being interested in Abbeys, Health and Alternative Medicine, Philippe Méry tackles the origins of Humanity. “What If It Was All A Lie – The True History of Humanity” (2022) includes the three different parts of the “global” history of the “treasure” of Rennes-le-Château, the Temple of Jerusalem in 410AD and the Bishopric of Alet in 1792

The Holy Family is part of an Essene community that lived on the slopes of Mount Bugarach, involving underground activity with Space Aliens – therefore Bugarach is recognised as a space-time portal just like the Romanian Mount Bucegi, the Peruvian Machu Picchu, Jerusalem and others... (Note: The Bucegi is believed to be the Dacian holy mountain Kogainon, on which the God Zalmoxis resided in a cave, a divinity of the Getae and Dacians – a people of the lower Danube, mentioned by Herodotus in his Histories Book IV, 93–96, written before 425 BC.)

The preface of Méry’s book was written by Robert Lortal, the most famous voluntary Alien Abductee in France, who spent a year with the Galactics in one of the bases in the Himalayas. Philippe Méry also uses the books by Claire Heartsong....

The story of the shepherd Ignace Paris was really historically factual, as is the connection of the painting “The Shepherds of Arcadia” which led to the validation of Méry’s Vincent de Paul hypothesis and fitted well into the whole context of N. Fouquet, N. Pavillon, Louis XIV and N. Poussin. When Ignace Paris was found to be a decoy to the solution he was replaced with Vincent de Paul – and the whole mechanism was set in motion for the following discoveries:

* The Visigoths found a treasure but without the Ark of the Covenant, and hide it in Bugarach.

* The Knights Templar found the Ark of the Covenant in the crypts of the Temple of Jerusalem and added it to the Treasure of the Visigoths.

* This was discovered by Vincent de Paul, but without the Ark of the Coventant. The secret to this is found in Poussin's painting “The Shepherds of Arcadia”.

* Louis XIV searches for the Ark of the Covenant, but in vain.

* The Vincentians Mèche and Gasc prepare the Ark of the Covenant to be stored in the crypt of Notre Dame de Marceille that becomes a Basilica.

* Jean Jourde and Henri Boudet decide to hide The Ark of the Covenant somewhere other than Notre Dame de Marceille.

* Henri Boudet finds another hiding place and gives the location in his book “La Vraie Langue Celtique”.

* What if we all came from Orion? This lies at the heart of Philippe Méry's story.

Rennes-le-Château Timeline