Thomas Jefferson DuBose claimed that General Benjamin Wiley Chidlaw was the ultimate recipient of the alleged “flying saucer debris” that crashed by Roswell in July 1947, but he got the date wrong about General Chidlaw being at Operations of Air Materiel Command.

Statements made by Thomas J. DuBose, quoted in Kevin Randle & Don Schmitt, UFO Crash at Roswell (1991):

“Actually, it was a cover story, the balloon part of it... Somebody cooked up the idea as a cover story ...we'll use this weather balloon. ...We were told this is the story that is to be given to the press, and that is it, and anything else, forget it. ... And McMullen, if you ever knew him, ...if he told you he wanted to run something, he goddamn sure ran it. He knew every facet of the operation. He's a busybody. He wanted to know what the hell was going on, who was pissing on the sidewalk, and all that sort of thing.

“McMullen told me, ‘You are not to discuss this... this is more than top secret... it’s beyond that. It’s within my priority as deputy to [Gen.] George Kenney, and he in turn responsible to the President, this is the highest priority you can exhibit. And you will say nothing. And that's the end of it. ...Jesus, that's the commander and chief and you forgot about it.”

The Bibliography of Fantastic Beliefs